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Our Mission

Families. Not orphanages.

Our mission and goal is to aid the people of this world, who through no fault of their own, have found themselves orphaned and alone. Without protection, care, and most importantly love, orphans are left to fend for themselves. Their biggest issue is not the absence of money or materials. It is the lack of love. We believe orphan care initiatives should be more than projects built on pity. We emphasize the importance of building relationships and exchanging love with people, places, and cultures.

  • -Love without boundaries
  • -Change the life of those who have no hope
  • -If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one
  • -Kindness is never wasted

Our team gathers left over food and will feed the hunger with love and care. If we feed a hungry stomach instead of wasting left over food, it gives a lot of satisfaction. In this way, we perform various activities and we welcome everyone who is willing to join their hands for this noble cause. Whatever you contribute will make a huge difference in many lives and with your support, we can do much more.

As a citizen of INDIA, each one of us is responsible for a healthy society. Let’s join our hands and hearts together to make our country free from hunger.